Got Questions?

If your company already exists, then either in your inbox or your head of customer service’s inbox there will be a plethora of questions to get you started. Use these as a jumping-off point and make the list of questions as long as possible. No question is a dumb one, and odds are if one person thought it, then there’s a group of people out in the world thinking it, too.

They are called frequently asked questions for a reason. Make sure that all of the questions can apply to multiple people. For instance, “What to do if my dog steals my underwear,” would not be a good FAQ. A better FAQ would be about the product details and the quality of the fabric used to decrease the number of tears.

They are called frequently asked questions for a reason. Make sure that all of the questions can apply to multiple people. For instance, “What to do if my dog steals my underwear,” would not be a good FAQ. A better FAQ would be about the product details and the quality of the fabric used to decrease the number of tears.